I did not have much time to since last week to write about what I've changed and added to my game yet. But throughout this time I finished first version of a demo for my game! I've added music, my friend recorded for me to, I also put more "weeping angels" inside the maze.
Then I decided to give it to couple of my friends for testing purposes. although most of them said it works fine and everything is good, others found some minor bugs, but one of my friends tried to break my game in every possible way- and thanks to him I got the most useful feedback! :D
He discovered that it is possible to go through the teleport while it is not active(even though I put a wall behind it to disable that, so I decided to make a teleport a platform instead of being a part of the wall. Secondly he found that some textures were not placed properly-now it should be fixed, I also got to know that the maze I created for this demo is too easy, therefore I may implement other difficulty levels later on, and the existing one will be easiest mode. As well as this I got to know that enemies might be too slow so I increased their movement speed now. :)
Now I will move on to creating a script that will delete all the enemies from the maze after player gets out of the maze and when a player gets to the tomb enemies are spawned in front of him causing him to go back to teleport and then they will also be spawning at the beginning of the maze.
Then I will be able to start creating the second part where the player will have to place specific lights over enemies to disable it from following the player.